Director of Operations Gary Watkin has joined our 60-second interview series. Gary shares some valuable leadership insights that have inspired him throughout his career.
How would you define what you do at Bidvest Noonan?
As Director of Operations within our GB Security Solutions National team, I oversee our regional management teams for the Scotland, North East, Yorkshire & Humber, and North West areas. I enjoy meeting with frontline colleagues, learning about their roles, and meeting with potential and existing customers and ensure we’re strategically aligned delivering a bespoke, and often diverse, range of security services.
What has been your best day at Bidvest Noonan?
The occasions that connect with me the most are those involving my team, whether it be praise, a nomination/award, or accomplishments important to the team, customers, or themselves personally. I’m very fortunate as there have been so many occasions to single out any one event.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
Some of the best advice I’ve taken come from John Maxwell’s book, ‘21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership’, and here’s probably the best; “Leading well is not about enriching yourself—it’s about empowering others” – Law 12.
How do you motivate yourself and your team?
As my team will testify, I’m very fond of analogies. In comparison to a modern-day football manager, we all have team members that perform and react in very different ways in given situations. How we interact, help, and reflect with those different personalities is vital in achieving the best result. My role in understanding and interacting with people is both fascinating and rewarding, and that’s my motivation.
When I’m not at work I like to spend time with my family, nights out with my wife, and the very occasional meet-up with friends.
Who or what has inspired you the most?
My son and wife are both Type 1 diabetics, meaning they need help to regulate their blood sugar levels, due to an auto-immunity issue. My wife was diagnosed later in life, but my son was diagnosed shortly before his fifth birthday. How he’s coped with his medical condition with fortitude, acceptance and a great sense of humour is an inspiration to me personally and helps to keep a good perspective for the far less serious problems in life. An outlook that I know we all can relate to.
Gary, if you had a motto, what would it be?
I am particularly fond of the quote from Winston Churchill, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” In operations we can all relate when matters are challenging, it is our resolve to keep going and succeed that defines who we are.